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The violence and abuse inflicted upon Black bodies in research and medicine, historically and in the present day, lead to health inequities in maternal and child health. Thus, our work as doulas is inherently connected to racialized violence and, therefore, we must advance racial and health equity.


It is the policy of Dial-a-Doula to ensure equal volunteer and client opportunity without discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, ability status, age, marital status, family/parental status, or income. Dial-a-Doula prohibits any such discrimination against or harassment of doulas and clients.


At the disclosure of doulas and clients, sociodemographic information is collected to track the effectiveness of Dial-a-Doula’s equity and recruiting efforts. This data is used to ensure we consider the needs of all our clients.

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